Mariia Räisälä

How did you get to work for Vimma?

My friend, who has been working at Vimmilla, hinted at me. I sent a message. And then there was an invitation to the interview. Here we are!


How did the new job feel?

I am very excited to take my job and look forward to all the future. There is a lot of new learning and it takes time, but it's just nice.


What is your most current Vimman Lifestyle product for now?

I really like Tyyne-College, a very small hit. In my opinion, it is really nice and stylish in style. From summer food to lemgoes was a yellow Riemu maxi dress, where I cooked all summer.


What is your typical day job at Vimma?

The morning starts by printing a list of orders overnight, and then collecting them over the course of the day. At the same time, I am trying to develop and keep the Inventory in order. I reply to email and, if necessary, make credits.


What do you dream of?

I would like to get to travel. Especially I would like to visit African development areas.


What's the best season?

Summer has always been my favorite time since it gets a lot of sun and is warm. All the seasons are terribly good, right?


Tell any of Helsinki's poison?

I spent a lot of time in Helsinki, and I haven't had a terrible look at it. I need some tips in this area. Tell me!


What is Sun's Lemonade Soup?

I like simple clothes, but there's always some detail to keep in, which makes it interesting. Comfort is important!


What makes you smile?

When people are good to each other. Kids and fun stuff. I may also smile (sometimes laugh) for my own stuff.


I would not buy any price..

Hooverboard. You have to use healthy feet if that is the time.


At night..

I hug with my friends or I do my own unfinished projects. At present I knit myself blankets to stay warm throughout the long dark winter.

I am Mariia Räisälä, 21 years old. I graduated in the spring of 2016. In the same autumn I moved from my homeland to Tampere to work in the Helsinki Metropolitan area.

Vimmas my main responsibility is e-commerce shipments. I also deal with 'trades', as well as help as needed in all tasks.